Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Being Different: Is It Okay?

       What do you feel when somenone says you're different? Do you feel like you don't belong to your society? Or do you jump to conclusions like being you isn't enough for others, or worst, yourself?  This is one of the problems we face in our life: accepting and rejecting differences. Often people think that being different is something unacceptable. But they are wrong. Now try to think about someone you call different. I wonder if they also think that you are different. You see? None of us is the same. If we have something in common that will be having differences ourselves.

       Now imagine a world where everywhere you look, you see strangers you never meet who have the same color of eyes, the same voice, and even the same personality as yourself. Everywhere you see only yourself. Not only the world now seems so dull, but would you ever feel special if others can do exactly the same thing you are really good at?  There is a purpose in creating us as beings with such differences: because we need each other's specialty to help us cover our weaknesses. Without differences there can never be a picture of someone helping others, there CAN'T even be the word help. There is no such thing as perfect except God. And sometimes being imperfect is something you CAN call perfect. Don't be intimidated by people who told you nonsense like being different is wrong, because those people are the ones that are wrong. You are who you are, there can't be anyone else who can replace you.

       Our originality is needed. Therefore we cannot just give it up to be someone others might appriciate.  So just accept that fact. Live with it, make your difference a signature of yourself, an indication that you are truly you. Because the best person you can be is yourself.